What Not to Do After Getting Arrested

After an arrest, your emotions are likely running high. You’ll be scared of the consequences, worried about your future, and wondering how your family will react to news of your arrest or a conviction. It’s easy to make rash decisions and not think things through following an arrest. That’s why we’ve assembled a list of what not to do after an arrest. That way, you will be less likely to make poor decisions that you’ll have to live with for the rest of your life.

Tips On What Not to Do Following an Arrest

Read through these tips before making a quick decision after you’ve been arrested for a crime.

Tip 1: Don’t Talk to the Police Without a Lawyer

It’s very tempting to try to defend yourself when you’ve been arrested, but it’s best to keep your mouth shut after an arrest. Make sure you talk to a lawyer before speaking with the police. They can take your statements down and later use them against you as evidence.

Tip 2: Don’t Sign the First Plea Agreement Without Consulting a Lawyer

You might think that the plea agreement looks pretty good at first, especially if the legal penalties aren’t great, but the legal penalties aren’t the only thing that can affect you. Once you agree to a plea agreement, that conviction will be on your record for life. Before accepting it, you want to make certain that it’s the best deal you can get.

Tip 3: Don’t Avoid Going to Court

Some people are so overwhelmed following an arrest that they won’t attend hearings related to their charges. You must not ignore your charge and hope it’s going to go away. Reach out to an attorney who can help to defend you against conviction.

Get Help Beating Your Charge

All criminal convictions can affect your life, even misdemeanor ones. Make sure you speak to a Texas arrest lawyer about your case to ensure you research all the available options. Contact The Law Offices of Jeff C. Kennedy to obtain a free case review. Call 817-605-1010 or visit our website to learn more about how we can help you.


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