
Showing posts from February, 2019

Texas Marijuana Laws

In Texas, marijuana charges are quite serious, even when it’s your first offense. Depending on how much marijuana you’re in possession of, you could be facing felony charges. If you’re convicted of a marijuana crime, you could be looking at serious jail or prison time, and hefty fines. In addition, marijuana crimes will go on your permanent criminal record. Your record could affect you for life: You could struggle to secure a good job; you could be denied access to certain government programs; and you and your family could suffer greatly because of a marijuana conviction. See below for a more in-depth look at Texas marijuana laws. Understanding Texas Marijuana Laws Marijuana possession, use, and sales are still very much illegal in Texas. Crimes involving marijuana use are generally broken down into two main categories: possession of marijuana, and sale/transport of marijuana. The larger the amount of marijuana you’re in possession of will increase the class of felony you’ll